“To The Person Experiencing Pain and Sorrow…”
June 22, 2021
The best way that I can express what it means to weep with those who weep is to write an open letter to those who have experienced pain and struggled to find joy again. This letter is to the person who felt like God left you. I’m weeping with you. This is for you.
Dear Friend,
If you’re reading this, you’ve most likely experienced tragic loss, heartbreak, disappointments, or grief beyond what you can handle. Whether you’ve lost a job, lost a child, lost your marriage, or lost yourself in addiction, you may be feeling like some days aren’t worth living. I’ve been there too, and my heart is heavy with you. I’m mourning the disappointments you are facing alongside you.
The Bible says to weep with those who weep and mourn with those who mourn. Jesus Himself was a man who knew sorrow. Your friends probably remind you of this. However, you might feel like God left you and crushed your life. You might feel angry with God for where you are and cry out, “Lord, why did you leave me!” But the truth is, He never left your side. He is near to the brokenhearted. Oh, what a friend we have in Jesus.
Isn’t that the power of the body of Christ? To lament alongside each other while God leads us through a storm we didn’t think there was a way out of. Isn’t that the power of the Holy Spirit to tenderly speak to us on the day that we couldn’t get out of bed in the morning? And isn’t that like our God who would draw us from our pit of despair to save us and restore to us hope again? Hope is on the horizon.
Friend, the beauty of lament is that you can bring God the real, honest emotions of doubt, insecurity, and fear, but then in the same breath, recall the faithfulness and the goodness of God amid the pain.
You can remember what he has brought you through in the past so you can sit in pain with others while pointing them to the truth of who God is and that He is a God of redemption.
In 12 months, I lost three babies. Two first trimester sweet babes and I lost my daughter Selah Rose on Feb. 29, 2020. I delivered my baby girl halfway through my pregnancy. I held her lifeless body in my arms and cried out words to God I don’t say in front of my bible study friends. I laid on an empty nursery floor in bitterness, anger, and resentment as I watched what felt like everyone else around me grow their families while my arms and my womb were empty. That is when the enemy’s voice got loud, creeping in. Telling lies:
You will never get through this.
You were never good enough to be a mom anyway — this was all your fault.
You’re not strong enough.
You think God loves you? Then why would He take your baby away from you?
Your life has no meaning.
Sound familiar? If you’ve heard the voice from the enemy like this, you know how painful it can be to get out of bed in the morning. But you know what? You got up. You kept moving, one step at a time, and soon the voice of God got loud enough to cover the lies from the enemy. Instead of seeing your pain as something that happened to you, you started to see that this happened for you.
Revelation 12 says that we conquer the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the WORD of our testimony. Do you see that? The word of our testimony has the power to conquer darkness. Your testimony, your story, and your pain will not be wasted. Friend, I know that may be hard to grasp right now but know that what you are walking through is sharpening your heart and soul in new and beautiful ways. Allow God to meet you in the parts of your heart that feel too dark, too depressed, too anxious, and too grief-stricken to repair. He will do miracles.
I don’t know your story. I don’t know the battles you are walking through. I’m not here to tell you “Stay positive” I’m here to say I see you, I hear you, I am weeping with you. And I am also rejoicing because, through your pain, you will be made new. What I do know is that the God of the universe is a God who only knows victory. He is a God of epic come-back stories…better than we could imagine. He is a God of redemption — and He is redeeming you.
You will get through this.
By the grace of God, you are enough.
You are strong, and the power of the risen Christ lives in you.
God loves you and will restore to your true joy.
Your life has a beautiful and perfect purpose.
Friend, whether your life just fell apart or you’re climbing out of the pit, I’m here to tell you that you will find joy again. You will hope again. You might feel broken, but He’s putting you back together. And I can say this and encourage you while also feeling the weight of disappointment because I, too, have been in the pit. Before losing my babies, I never knew the depth of pain. Before my babies, I never truly knew how to lament, and now, I get to see a new side of my Savior.
He is a God of redemption, and you know why? Your redemption story is just getting started. Keep moving, keep showing up, keep praying, keep weeping and please keep reminding yourself that God is near.
“Those who sow with tears, will reap with songs of joy.” (Psalm 126:5)
For his glory,
Justine M.