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Kid's ministry

kid's ministry

who we are

At Woodside Bible Church, we love your kids. We believe each child is a precious and purposed gift from God and bursts with potential to be used by Him in incredible ways. Through our Kid’s Ministry program, each and every weekend we provide a safe environment for your child to flourish in the love of Jesus and grow into a person who shares that love with others, while you gather with our church family for worship.

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Woodside Kids Nursery is a warm, caring environment for infants up to 23 months. Our nurseries have been safely outfitted to meet the unique needs of your child during these developmental years. We love to keep your little one safe and comfortable while you worship, learn, and grow.

In Woodside Kids Preschool, for children ages 2-5, we create an active, hands-on learning experience filled with singing, dancing, silly games, colorful crafts, and lots of laughter as your child learns that God loves me, God made me, and Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Kindergarten through 5th graders experience an engaging time of worship and teaching before breaking up into small groups where they connect with others, learn from leaders who love Jesus, and dive deeper into God’s truths. Throughout these formative years, your child will explore 150 different Bible stories and learn how each one can be lived out in everyday life.

Think of all of us at Woodside Kids as your partner, your support system, your new best friend! We exist to support you as you guide your child in discovering and embracing a relationship with Jesus Christ. Click below to access fun, easy-to-use resources for your Family Faith Talks, including videos, content subscriptions, and more – and know we’re here for you every step of the way.

gospel resource

baptism guide

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Do you have a passion for showing little ones the love of Jesus? Let’s put it to good use. This ministry is only possible when people like you step up to serve, teach, and love our kids. To join our volunteer team, click below to enter our Child Protection Program.


This is my child’s first time attending. What’s our first step?

Welcome! We’re so excited to meet you and your child. Your first step will be to register at our Welcome Desk. We’ll be there to create your account in our secure check-in system, answer any questions, and escort you to your child’s Woodside Kids environment. Want to get a head start? Click below to print and fill out our registration form before you arrive.

Download the form

What are your safety policies?

We have robust safety policies in place from check-in to pick-up and would be happy to answer any questions you have about keeping your child safe. Here’s a brief overview to get us started:

Each week you will check in your child and receive a printed nametag as well as a matching Parent Pick-up Tag. Your child will only be released from their environment when this matching Parent Pick-up Tag is presented. We recommend you wear the tag on your shoulder.

Our environments are secured before, during, and after services by security personnel who only permit appropriately identified individuals (kids, parents with a Pick-up Tag, and approved volunteers) down our hallways.
Every Woodside Kids volunteer completes a certification process and undergoes child safety training before being permitted to serve in this ministry. This process includes a background check, status as a member of Woodside Bible Church, and completion of our Child Protection Program(CPP).

Interested in serving with our Kids Ministry? Click here to get started.

Will my child be provided snacks? What about food allergies?

Within our Nursery Environments, Puffs and Cheerios are in our rotation and provided should there be a need. In the Preschool Environments, a small snack of Goldfish crackers is included in the hour of programming. Our Elementary Environments do not typically provide snacks, apart from the periodic special occasion. All the snacks that we provide in our environments are nut-free, but we are unable to guarantee fully nut-free environments. If you have specific questions concerning your child’s needs, please contact your Campus Kids Director.

Can I bring snacks for my child? Or a bottle for my baby?

We generally prefer to not accept outside food into our environments. This helps to ensure a safe and healthy place for our kids. Should you need to provide a specific food item for your child, please contact your Campus Kids Director. We do allow for bottles to be given to little ones in our Nursery Environments by our Adult Team Members. However, we ask you to pre-mix and prepare the bottle beforehand. Our environments do have the capacity to warm the bottle before giving it to your little one.

Do you have a room for nursing mothers?

Many of our Campuses have a special place for moms. The Mom & Me Room is a quiet place for mothers and children 3 and under. It has been made comfortable for you with chairs, changing tables, and a monitor to watch the service while you care for your little one. Mothers, we invite you to enjoy this space designed just for you! Please contact your campus for information.

What’s your wellness policy?

For the protection of all children, we request that parents do not leave a child who appears ill in our Woodside Kids environments. Children who display various symptoms (high fever, vomiting, pink eye, thick nasal discharge, etc.) will not be received in our environments. All environments are frequently sanitized. Thank you for working with us to keep all of our kids safe and healthy.

My child uses an epi-pen or another medication. How does that work?

If your child has a medical condition that requires them to bring an epi-pen, insulin kit, or any other form of medication with them into their environment, please let your Campus Kids Director know. They will work with you to set up a plan that provides the best experience for your child.

What if my child is unable to stay in the environment?

If for any reason your child is unable to stay in their environment, we will notify you. Notification may vary depending on your Campus and the Welcome Team will let you know when you check in for the first time. Each time your child checks in, a new 3-digit code is printed on their nametag and on the corresponding Parent Pick-Up tag you receive. Many of our campuses will display this code on a screen during the Worship Service.

How do I know if my elementary-aged child is ready for baptism? How can I help them take this next step in their faith?

If your child has placed their faith and trust in Christ and responded to the Gospel, then baptism could be the next step. We don’t believe there is a designated age for a child to be baptized, but we do believe that the child must have a full understanding of and can articulate in their own words the concepts of salvation and baptism. We encourage you to be patient and ask good questions as you seek to hear from your child how they understand the Gospel in their own words. When your child is aware of their sin and the need to accept God’s grace and forgiveness, they are ready to take this important next step. Within our teaching curriculum we use ‘The Gospel: God’s Plan for Me’ booklets. Please pick one up the next time you are with us. We have also designed a packet to help your child prepare for baptism, which your Campus Kids Director can provide upon request. We’re honored to walk with you and your child through this spiritual milestone!

What is Parent-Child Dedication? How can we participate?

A few times a year during our worship services, we celebrate Parent-Child Dedication. In this Dedication, you, as parents, dedicate yourself to partner with God and the church in raising your child to know and love Jesus. We, as your church family, also make a commitment to partner with you as you raise your children. This Dedication service is recommended for parents of children ages infant-preschool. For more information on the next Dedication service at your campus, contact your Campus Kids Director.

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