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all message series



Good News


Big Ideas from Little Books

Reach: Where There is No Church

What God Says About

Easter at Woodside 2024

Confessions: Erasing Shame and Experiencing Renewal

Daniel: Clash of Cultures

Emmanuel: God with us

Conflict[ed]: Pursuing Peace in a Cancel Culture

Thy Kingdom Come: His Reign in Our Lives


Asking for a Friend

Revelation: All Things New

The Essentials: Why Truth Matters

Church: Why Bother?

Fulfilled: His Promise Kept. Our Longing Met

The Follower’s Trail Guide: Navigating the Path of Jesus

Divided: Seeking Unity in a Fractured World

Summer Message Series

Family: Why Bother?

Send Me: When God Calls Us to Go

Soul Food: When a Meal with Jesus was More than Food

Jonah: At Odds with God

James: Live The Truth

Eyewitness: Finding Your Christmas Story In Theirs

Unstoppable: Bound in His love, Freed by His Spirit

Newish: Everything’s Changed. Have you?

Smoke and Mirrors: Deciphering Truth in a World of “truths”

Habits: Ancient Practices for Today’s World

Good Mourning: Taking Your Sorrow to the Savior

Better Together

Overflow: From Him. Through Us. For All.


What Now: How Tomorrow Shapes Today

Forgotten Virtue: Learning to Love Again

Giftwrapped: From Longing to Lavished

Unshakeable: Steadfast Hope in an Unpredictable World

Built for More: Church Beyond the Weekend

Assembly Required: Building a Case for Church

Revealed: Stories with a Purpose

Questioning God: Investigating Morality, Justice and Doubt

We Are Still Family: Navigating COVID-19 Together

Community in Action: a Snapshot of Shared Identity

Identity Crisis

Christmas Through Fresh Eyes

Picture Imperfect: Modeling Church Family in a Fallen World

Rethinking Family: Your Purpose Rediscovered

Drift: Ways the Church can Drift from Jesus

A Better Life: The Race of Faith Towards the Promise of God

MisRead: Understanding the Heart of Jesus

Reconciled. Between Two Worlds

Remind Me: Every Family has a Story

Blueprints: The Law of Love and Freedom

Socially Acceptable: Six Sins that are “okay”

Kingdom in Chaos

Pages: God-Breathed, Timeless, Essential

Over Thrown: Triumph Through Tragedy

Paradox: Finding Life in Losing It

Into Focus: See Jesus Clearly

Join us this Christmas Season!

Imagine a light so profound it has the power to transform the darkest corners of your life. Even in a world so full of hopelessness, such a light does exist — and He came to us 2,000 years ago in the form of a human child! The ancient prophecy found in Isaiah 9 describes how the radiance of the Messiah offers a beacon of hope and transformation!