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christmas vision spotlight

what's the vision spotlight?

At the end of every year, we highlight a few strategic ways that you can leverage your above-and-beyond giving to advance the gospel locally, regionally, and globally during the Christmas season. Keep reading to discover the four key initiatives in our 2023 Christmas Vision Spotlight. 

close the gap

Every year, we begin our Spotlight by closing the budget gap at our church campuses. Our annual budget keeps day-to-day ministries in operation, and it’s important that we meet this need before pursuing our vision to make an even greater gospel impact in 2024.  

Right now, our budget gap is less than last year’s. With a smaller gap, we can go even further with our other Spotlight opportunities — resulting in more ministry to people everywhere who desperately need Jesus.  

Thank you for giving generously this season so that we can continue to become the church that God wants us to be.   

leadership institue

At Woodside, we feel greatly responsible to equip the next generation with a solid theological foundation and an understanding of practical ministry experience. That’s why we created the Woodside Leadership Institute. 

Over the last seven years, more than 280 individuals have participated in one or more of our Leadership Institute programs. We’re watching God do remarkable things through the lives of these students as they pursue ministry here at Woodside, at churches across the country, and on a global scale. 

This Christmas, will you give to help us multiply strong leaders and build up the body of Christ? 

dream centers of michigan

In 2014, Woodside partnered with the Pontiac Dream Center to practically equip individuals and families within that city through strategic education, economic empowerment, and housing initiatives. Now, ten years later, we want to go further. 

The Dream Centers is plural because our vision has always been to grow! The Pontiac center has become a model of success that we’re excited to replicate in other communities throughout southeast Michigan.  

As we look to expand, will you partner with us as we pursue sharing the love of Christ through the reach of the Dream Centers?  

akha light in thailand

The Akha are an indigenous mountain tribe that live mostly isolated from modern society. Currently, there are 1.9 million Akha people in China, Laos, and Vietnam who have likely never even heard the name of Jesus. With your help, our global partners in Thailand are looking to change that. 

Your generosity during last year’s Christmas Vision Spotlight allowed Pastor John and Nut to purchase property in a strategic location on the border of northern Thailand. In 2024, their dream is to build a training center that will launch evangelists and church planters into unreached regions of Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, and China.  

Will you support the vision of Akha Light as their ministry works to share the gospel message with the Akha people?  

other ways to give

weekend offering

Grab a Christmas offering envelope from the worship center at your campus! Checks can be made out to Woodside Bible Church. 


Text CHRISTMAS and the dollar amount to 248.266.9778


Mail your gift to:

Woodside Bible Church
6600 Rochester Road, Troy, MI 48085