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global 100

who we are

Woodside Global 100 is an initiative to deploy a new generation of 100 globally-minded Christian leaders. This 4-step program trains and equips Gospel ambassadors to plant churches and empower new followers of Jesus all over the world!

Looking to learn more? We have discovery classes throughout the year, and our next classes meet in June!

upcoming discovery classes

Step 1

step 1: discover

Learn to understand yourself, your calling, and the role you may have in impacting the Global Church for Christ.

Complete a 4-week intensive bringing a realistic, concrete vision to your missionary service. Receive a personalized development plan based on assessments of your natural and spiritual gifting, Biblical knowledge, and spiritual aptitude.



Step 2

step 2: development

Pursue the personal and spiritual development needed to prepare for a successful, long-term missionary service.

Receive one-on-one mentorship for the development of your emotional, intellectual, and spiritual health. Gain cross-cultural training customized to your ministry destination, understanding the belief systems and challenges you’ll encounter. Begin formal education through Woodside’s Deploy program, securing a Bible certificate or Master’s degree in intercultural studies, and receive placement into the team you will be deployed with.


Step 3

step 3: discipleship

Exercise what you’re learning by actively engaging in cross-cultural evangelism and discipleship both domestically and internationally.

Experience a short-term mission trip and complete a missional community immersion in a city such as Dearborn, Hamtramck, or Pontiac for a period of 6 to 9 months. Conduct a 6 to 9-month global internship alongside your church-based team, serving in conjunction with your intended long-term deployment site or a Woodside partner.


Step 4

step 4: deploy

Enter the field of ministry where you’ll serve in a long-term missionary capacity alongside your church-based team.

Complete final steps toward long-term deployment, including support raising, language training, and finalization of missions agency. Experience a formal commissioning at your home campus and launch of an ongoing care plan.


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