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Reach: Where There Is No Church

A Message from Pastor Chris

Romans (1:16) tells us that it is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes. At Woodside, we want to support our global partners as God works through them in some of the least-reached areas of the world.

Throughout the month of June, we are asking each one of you to join us in going above and beyond in giving to help us raise funds to support the work of our global partners worldwide as they seek to reach where there is no church.

To learn more about Woodside’s heart in reaching the least-reached people groups, click on the video above from Pastor Chris!

Get Involved

Then, individually or as a family, ask God to provide additional funds over and above your regular offering and see how He supplies. Or consider picking a specific initiative that you want to pray for and think about how you could creatively raise funds for it. As God supplies, put the extra resources in this giving box.

On June 23 and 30, we will be asking our church family to bring your giving boxes back so we can see how God will use us to help our global partners advance the Gospel and reach the least-reached people groups around the world.

To make a one-time or recurring donation to support the work of our global partners worldwide, click the give now buttons below.

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With the money you give, you could…

· Allow for the Gospel to be shared with 8,000 people in India | $50

· Provide theological training in unreached Thai villages | $100

· Support a national missionary taking the gospel to the Gonja unreached people group in Ghana | $250

· Start a new church reaching 20 new disciples among unreached people groups in Thailand, Ethiopia, Liberia & India | $400

· Rescue and provide care for a girl caught in human trafficking in Nepal | $600 · Provide a biblical degree from Moody for three rural pastors in Ghana | $1,000

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