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Bethlehem Bible College

Biblical Training

In Bethlehem, Palestinian believers are uniting with Arabic-speaking leaders from around the world to preserve the Church where Jesus was born. Bethlehem Bible College is training the next generation of Palestinian Christians, giving students the ability to learn Gospel literacy without ever having to leave their homeland. Program graduates serve across many denominations in the Church, encouraging and strengthening believers to remain steadfast amid great conflict 

Tomorrow’s Leaders

At Bethlehem Bible College, students learn ministry theory while experiencing hands-on training through community outreach all under the care of the college’s gifted faculty. Woodside partners with Bethlehem Bible College by funding scholarships for disadvantaged students. 

Meet our Partner

Dr. Rev. Jack, president of Bethlehem Bible College, is a recognized speaker on cross-cultural work in the Middle East and an ordained minister who oversees a network of churches. His wife, Dr. Madleine, has served with him in ministry for their entire married life. They are the proud parents of Nathan, Maranatha and Mickel.