6 Ways to Maximize Summer with Your Kids
June 1, 2021
When you hear the phrase, ‘Maximize your Summer,’ what are the top three things that come to mind? I hope today during this quick read to give you some ideas, so be sure to scroll down and check the menu of Summer ideas below.
I know for many parents and kids alike, this school year has produced a level of stress beyond the normal, and when we are depleted, it can be hard to muster up the mental energy to plan your summer. But I want to encourage you today to see the 2020–2021 schoolyear in view of the growth God has provided in your family and look to the summer with intentionality.
Here is a punch list of ideas to spark your Summer plans:
🌳 Get Outside
I can’t overestimate how important it is to get outside in God’s creation. Make it a weekly goal to take a family walk, bike to the library, visit a park, or play kickball with neighbors in the backyard. The metro Detroit area has so many big regional parks and small neighborhood treasures. So, put on the ‘Athleisure Wear’ you’ve been lounging in all year, and get outside with your kids!
📱 Enter their Culture
Our Gen Z kids have turned from content consumers to content creators! This summer, take time to learn the popular apps and pilot them with your kids. Side-by-side activities are powerful in building relationships with your children, particularly for Dads, so shift your posture to tech-learner, enter their culture, and get silly.
⚡️ Empower
Like it or not, our kids today are highly entitled. We have a unique opportunity this summer to slow down and try new parenting techniques. We need to balance the entitlement mentality with empowerment and ownership! So, cast the vision for your kids to plan a Summer activity and empower them to step into the responsibility that comes with a family experience. And I also want to encourage you to checkout ‘Summer Serve’ opportunities through your Campus and serve together as a family.
🍦 Eat More Desserts!
God designed us with the need for nutrients, but He gave us tastebuds in His love and creativity! There are so many dessert menus out there that I’ve never seen because I love dinner so much. So, plan and head out for more family dessert this summer. Here are three spots that will quickly become an experience to remember: (1) Cook’s Dairy Farm in Ortonville. Great ice cream, and your kids will love seeing the cows! (2) Págos Ice Cream Rolls in Royal Oak, where they roll the ice cream right in front of you, and you select creative toppings. (3) Myomee on Northwestern Hwy in Southfield. My personal favorite! The Binsu is out of the world and big enough for the whole family. Binsu is very fine shaved ice that will transform your idea of dessert.
🤲 Get Creative with Prayer
Pray through praise songs. Pick a worship song that your family enjoys and sing it! Then draw out a certain phrase that God highlights and talk about its significance
📚 Weave in Stories
As our kids grow, they need to hear family history. Yes, I know this could require us to revisit topics we’d rather avoid or be forced to process how we would explain the past. But God can work in mighty ways when we step into these conversations. Pray for discernment on how you share and keep things simple or brief. But as God nudges your heart, enter the conversations. Sharing family history can be a celebration as well! Share stories of God’s faithfulness. “Did I tell you of the time…” In an age riddled with anxiety, we need to take time to look to the past, to see God’s mighty hand of provision, and learn how to share the stories with our children!
May God richly bless you this summer! And for more summer fun, check out our latest episode of The Link this Tuesday, June 1 at 6pm, where I sit down with three amazing kids to hear all about what they want to do with you this summer.