How To Make the Impossible Possible

Written By: Ryan Nast


October 26, 2022

How do you respond to situations that feel impossible? Perhaps, it’s easy to think through all the possible scenarios and worry about every potential outcome. Or maybe it’s easier to take charge and seek control over these circumstances. I’m sure we’ve all reacted in one of these ways as we experience what feels impossible in life, but God gives us a better option.

Ephesians 3:20–21 says, “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

Maybe we read verses like these, knowing God can accomplish what feels impossible to us, yet still don’t believe He will make the impossible possible. We get so caught up in our circumstances that we forget about His power which makes all things possible. Jesus rising from the grave reminds us this is true! So, rather than feeling overwhelmed, we should surrender our circumstances to God and instead choose to pray impossible prayers. After all, He can do abundantly more than we could ask or imagine.

This year at Hope Week, Woodside Students’ annual local mission trip, our family (what we call the teams that serve together) of middle school students were serving in the city of Hamtramck. The goal for the week was to help Woodside develop relationships in the community by inviting them to a soccer camp and neighborhood carnival later in the week. Seems simple enough, right?

Between learning about the cultural differences and language barriers they would be up against, the students suddenly felt it would be impossible not only to meet people but have the opportunity to share the gospel with them. Our family became nervous and wondered how God could use them in Hamtramck. My co-leader and I reminded these students God was going to provide them with the words and anything else they needed to serve this community. Still, I don’t think anything could have prepared me for what God would do that week.

As our family began serving in Hamtramck, no one would have guessed these middle schoolers were nervous the previous day. They loved on people, telling them about the soccer camp and carnival we would be putting on in their community later in the week. As we canvased neighborhoods for these events, we stopped at the end of each street to pray for Hamtramck and the people we met.

After the first few days, our family developed a heart for Hamtramck and excitement about what we were doing. We were excited to host a soccer camp for the kids! But no one showed. When this happened, it would have been easy for our middle schoolers to be discouraged or question what God was doing, but instead, they were excited to find other ways to serve.

Some of our family went to talk with people about our carnival the next day and passed out water to those who needed it. Others went to pick up trash and have conversations with people in the park we were at that week. The rest of us stayed back in case people showed up for our soccer tournament. As we waited, we decided to pray big prayers for what was happening around us. We asked God to allow a soccer game to begin. We prayed for those who were serving people, for the gospel to go out in Hamtramck, and that God would reveal the power of prayer to us.

God blew us away by allowing us to see the answer to these prayers.

Just after we finished praying, a couple of people came to play soccer. I watched our family thrive despite the day not going as we expected. Later, I knew I wanted to encourage these students as we met to debrief. When I asked our students how they felt the day went, immediately, one student shared how several of them had gospel conversations with people in the park that day. I was a little surprised this was the first time my co-leader and I were hearing this, but I was touched by how these students were excited to tell people about Jesus. It nearly moved me to tears knowing this is exactly what we prayed for that day, especially considering we’d been told it would be difficult to talk about Jesus in Hamtramck.

It felt like a miracle. And the next day, it became even more evident that God was at work. At our neighborhood carnival, our family continued to have opportunities to proclaim the good news of Jesus to those around them. These students, who were nervous about going to Hamtramck at first, did what they were told they wouldn’t do. Each of these students in our family played a part in the gospel going out as often as it did that week (I don’t know the official number, but it was A LOT).

Throughout Hope Week, God reminded me He is a God that makes the impossible possible. I was blown away that God would use me to lead this incredible family of students and leaders. I was thankful to have a front-row seat to God’s amazing work in Hamtramck. Yet, God met me where I was through this family in deeply profound and personal ways too. As I processed what God did in my life and through the impact of our family, I was moved to tears and overwhelmed by His goodness and grace. God made the impossible possible and can do just that in all the impossible situations we face.

Do you have a story to tell? Maybe a situation where God made what seemed impossible possible? We’d love to hear it. Click here to learn how you can share your story with us.