Resources for Understanding Justice and Reconciliation

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June 12, 2020

One of the greatest needs at this moment is for our church family to listen to the voices of those who are mourning, who cry out for justice. When we seek understanding by listening to people of color, we’re able not only to grieve with those who grieve, but to seek justice for the suffering and oppressed.

Check out the written, video, and audio resources below that share perspectives on racial justice and reconciliation of the black community.  Please note that these resources share a spectrum of opinions meant to help us engage, act, lament, and think. We understand that these resources are fallible and do not always perfectly align with our leadership’s varied opinions. However, we still want to measure all things against the truth of the Word of God, and that we enter this conversation with humility and charity.  Let us be a people who are living as we are admonished in Micah 6:8, to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.


For Kids



If you have questions about CTR and how Christians should respond, here are some articles to review. Again, not every article aligns perfectly with our leadership’s varied opinions. However, we want to give you a starting place. If you have any questions, please reach out to us [click here], and one of our Campus Pastors is more than willing to process this alongside you.