The Smart Phone Evangelist: A Story of Hope
April 18, 2020
As we hunker down with the hopes of keeping our friends and families safe, many are battling feelings of isolation like never before. Millions in our country, and across the globe, feel trapped, and the resulting spike in anxiety and depression is felt around the world. While many of us face these experiences and emotions for the first time, I’m struck with the thought of those who “shelter in place” every day — pandemic or not.
Rebecca has been homebound with illness for 22 years. After years of heart wrenching trauma and seemingly insurmountable health challenges, she reached a breaking point, resolving to take her own life.
But God had other plans.
“It was Jesus Christ who saved me when I had planned my suicide. Through the love of Brad and Shari Hulcy (Troy Campus), Jesus showed me He loved me and wasn’t ready to take me home.”
Since experiencing the transformational love of Christ, Rebecca has never been the same. She’s dedicated her life to sharing His love and joy with others.
“I want others to know they can find life-changing redemption, forgiveness, and love through Jesus, as I have. When you’ve had your painful, sad life completely turned around by the Savior of the world, it’s hard to keep quiet.”
And we’re thankful she doesn’t! Instead of allowing her circumstances to confine her or rob her of joy, Rebecca faithfully and cheerfully serves the Lord with the opportunities He gives her. For years now, she has used social media to minister to thousands of people, many of whom don’t know Jesus. Amongst her friends, she’s come to be known as “the smart phone evangelist.”
“When you are intimately aware of the suffering in this world, you understand someone always needs loving support and encouragement. This is my tiny way of sprinkling a bit of hope and love Jesus has blessed me with into the world.”
This is my tiny way of sprinkling a bit of hope and love Jesus has blessed me with into the world
Rebecca knows she’s been uniquely prepared for this season we’re all navigating together, saying, “When I see folks struggling with the ‘shelter in place’ order, I use the same encouragement I use for my sisters and brothers who are on disability because of physical or mental illness.”
When she saw a rise in fear and anxiety on social media, she followed the Holy Spirit’s leading to offer Christ’s peace and comfort through Scripture and uplifting stories. She’s been amazed to see how, more than ever, her followers have shared her words with others and commented about how encouraged they are. She smiles thinking about how far the messages may go.
May we all be inspired by Rebecca’s story of seeking ways to be used by God in this and every season, no matter our circumstance. She puts it this way:
“I used to be sad because my own disability and ongoing health challenges prevented me from serving in what I considered a meaningful way. But God has shown me that when I do what I can, no matter how small the contribution, He will use it for His glory and others’ good. That’s all I desired in the first place, to serve Him by encouraging others.”
Just like Rebecca, God can use each and every one of us during this time of uncertainty. God will use you where you are, whether that be the frontlines of a hospital, your kitchen table with your kids, or your couch with a phone in hand.
Paul writes to the church in Ephesus,
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).
Let’s say that again for the people in the back. You are His workmanship. God made you for a reason, and He made you for today. He made you specifically for the joys and the trials of your life. He also made you for good works. Whether you have been homebound your whole life, you’re trapped at home for the first time, or you’re out working on the frontlines, you were made to do good works for God today, which He prepared beforehand. In other words, He knew this was going to happen and He specifically wanted you for your situation. He wanted you to be in the lives of those around you. So let’s not delay and tell ourselves we are helpless, because we aren’t. We are God’s perfect workmanship capable of doing His good works.
So let’s not delay and tell ourselves we are helpless, because we aren’t. We are God’s perfect workmanship capable of doing His good works
May I encourage you, spend time today praying and seeking God’s direction for this season. Express your heart to be used by Him, loving others despite the restrictions of physical distancing. Let’s be inspired by those who have uniquely served God with the hand they’ve been dealt, joyfully honoring Him in the most difficult of circumstances. And let’s get creative in how you and I serve Him now.
Thank you, Rebecca, for allowing God to work in and through you, using your unique gifts and experiences for His glory. Let’s join her and create a beautiful ripple effect of encouragement and support for others, so when we look back, we see God in it all.