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A Church on the Move

At Woodside, we’re constantly working to capitalize on opportunities to meet people in their need, prepare the next generation of leaders, and launch lighthouses for the Gospel around the globe. In short, we want to be a church on the move. That’s why we created the Woodside Vision Foundation.  

Going Above and Beyond

The Vision Foundation is designed to help us respond quickly to God’s vision for Woodside as He leads us. A gift to fund Vision goes above and beyond your regular giving to make a deeper impact through…

Leadership Development

At Woodside, we believe in empowering individuals to reach their God-given potential so that they can live out their Kingdom purpose. Through the Leadership Institute, we’re passionate about equipping the next generation of leaders, pastors, missionaries, and disciple makers through hands-on ministry experience and the development of Gospel literacy.


People everywhere desperately need Jesus. At Woodside, we have the privilege of working in Michigan and across the globe to reach nations and communities with the life-changing message of the Gospel.


As we pray over the future of Woodside in Michigan, we believe it’s important to plant church campuses in the educational, political, and economic hubs of our state. These are places where ideas are shaped within individuals who will one day lead our state, our nation, and our world.

Digital Evangelism

In this digital age, Woodside is committed to meeting people where they are by leveraging high-impact media as a key strategy for Gospel impact. We are passionate about maintaining a digital strategy that acts as a bridge from the online world to physical church community.

Ways to Give

General Giving

The Vision Foundation exists to channel the aboveandbeyond giving of our church family as we go where God leads us. If you’re new to Woodside or just beginning your giving journey, we recommend that you start by giving to the general fund of your campus. Then, as the Holy Spirit leads you, we encourage you to direct above-and-beyond gifts through Woodside Vision. 


General Giving

Give Online

Online giving is a safe and easy way to invest in everything that God is doing through the Vision Foundation. Options to automate your giving include setting up a recurring gift electronically through a bank transfer or by using a debit or credit card. Set your giving preferences today by clicking below. 


Give Online

Text 2 Give

With a simple text, you can choose to give any time, from anywhere. Just text Vision to (248) 2669778. 


Check or Cash

You can always give cash or checks made payable to Woodside Vision Foundation. Simply drop off your gift to your church campus (make sure to write “Vision Foundation” on the envelope) or mail it to: 

Woodside Bible Church
Attn: Vision Foundation
6600 Rochester Rd.
Troy, MI. 48085

Stocks and Mutual Funds

When you give appreciated securities to Woodside Vision, you’re leveraging your tax benefits for Kingdom development.

Donors may deduct the fair market value of the securities while avoiding tax on the appreciated gain. In short, donors may claim both the security and its appreciation as a charitable contribution income tax deduction without incurring a capital gains tax.

The deduction is based on the fair market value of the securities on the date they are owned by the church (typically, this is the date the securities are deposited into the church’s brokerage account). Woodside’s policy is to immediately sell the securities received and then use the net proceeds for the designated charitable purpose of the gift.

For further instructions on how to give through stocks, bonds and other marketable securities, email or call (248) 879-8533.

IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions

If you are over 70 ½ years old, then you may distribute directly from your IRA to the Woodside Vision Foundation up to $100,000 and exclude the contributed amount from your gross income for tax purposes.

This amount can be counted toward your IRA’s annual required minimum distribution. To learn more, consult with your financial and/or tax advisor to analyze your situation and confirm tax benefits.

Estate Planning

You may designate Woodside Bible Church (WBC), the Woodside Vision Foundation (WVF), and/or Dream Centers of Michigan (DCOM) to receive all or a portion of your estate after your lifetime. This type of giving can be accomplished through:

Will or Trust – You can name WBC, WVF, and/or DCOM in your will or trust as a beneficiary. Your estate may receive an income tax deduction for the value of your bequest. Consult with your estate planning attorney and your financial and/or tax advisor to analyze your situation and confirm benefits.

Retirement Accounts – You can name WBC, WVF, and/or DCOM as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified retirement plans. Any amount remaining in your plan (free of income and estate tax) will transfer to the entity you designate. Consult with your financial and/or tax advisor to analyze your situation and confirm tax benefits.

Life Insurance – You can name WBC, WVF, and/or DCOM as a beneficiary of part or all your insurance policy. You can also choose to make a Woodside entity the owner of a life insurance policy that is no longer needed. When WBC, WVF, or DCOM is made the owner, you may receive a tax deduction for premiums you continue paying each year. If the policy is whole life, you may receive an immediate tax deduction for the cash value amount. Consult with your financial and/or tax advisor to analyze your situation and confirm tax benefits. To learn more, contact us by clicking below.

Contact us

Meet Ben Fielder

Whether by dusting off his tap shoes or drawing from his years of fundraising experience, Ben is passionate about shepherding the resources that God has entrusted to Woodside through your generosity. After fundraising with Eastern Michigan and Oakland University for over a decade, Ben stepped into the role of Stewardship Director at Woodside in the summer of 2022.  

Ben is husband to Kathleen and father to their three children, Mackenzie, Addison, and Landon. In addition to exercising his vocal abilities on the big screen, Ben has also served our church family as an elder, deacon, and group leader for Woodside Kids.   

Have questions for Ben about Woodside’s Vision Foundation?


Why Should I Give?

Giving our treasure is a response to God giving to us first. We give because He has given us all things in Christ. For the Christian seeking to reflect the image of God in our lives, giving becomes a natural overflow of our hearts and a stewardship of the resources that He has given us. We give to help people belong to Christ, grow in Christ, and reach the World for Christ. All because of Jesus — though He was rich, for our sakes He became poor, so that we by His poverty might become rich [in grace] (2 Corinthians 8:9).

What is Stewardship?

Stewardship is a lifestyle that acknowledges God as the Creator of all things. The fundamental principle of biblical stewardship is this: God is the Author of everything, and we are administrators acting on His behalf. At Woodside, we believe that God wants us to live wisely with the resources that He has entrusted to us while being open-handed and trusting of the One who oversees and allocates every resource. Our calling as stewards is to know who the Creator is, walk in the Creator’s will, and represent the Creator well.

Have More Questions?

Do you have further questions about Woodside’s Vision Foundation? Contact us by clicking the button below.


Contact us


Questions? Contact Ben!