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care ministries

who we are

At Woodside, we are family. We’re here to navigate the difficulties of life with you. Through Care Ministries, we pursue God and discover healing as we look together to the One who gifts hope and restoration to every hurting heart.

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Celebrate Recovery is a ministry designed to help bring sustainable recovery to anyone dealing with life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Looking especially to Jesus’ words in Matthew 5, the CR community will guide you toward healthy, biblically-based truths and life-giving practices to help you draw closer to God and others. Journey through the eight principles of Celebrate Recovery and become equipped to walk in freedom through the power of Jesus Christ.


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When we experience loss, there will be times that we feel completely alone in our grief. GriefShare is designed to walk with you on the long path toward God’s healing. Each of our leaders has personally experienced profound grief and has rebuilt their lives through the grace of God. We’ve been there, we understand, and we’re here to come alongside you as we walk toward the renewal of hope together.

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Through Divorce Recovery & Reconciliation, we aim to grow through our hurt by seeing it through the lens of God’s truth. We are a safe space where you’ll be able to walk through life with encouragement from others who have experienced divorce. We believe in the power of our Savior to rebuild lives through His unchanging Word, unconditional grace, and incomprehensible love. We are also passionate about caring for children whose parents have divorced by affirming their value and teaching them how loved they truly are.

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Discover opportunities for rich connection and friendship through intentional gatherings, meaningful studies, and simple service projects. Together, we pursue intimacy with Jesus Christ as we cultivate deeper relationships with other women.

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We are Hope for Every Child, Woodside’s ministry for foster and adoptive families. We’re a community of love, learning, and spiritual growth that exists to support current and future foster and adoptive parents. Each of our leaders is an adoptive parent passionate about ministering to children in need and the families who care for them. Let’s take this adventure together!

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Our ministry provides a safe and welcoming environment for kids, teens, adults, siblings, and parents affected by disability. Our special needs community is here to support your entire family with intentional classes, events, and serve opportunities. We believe that everyone has value and purpose to God, and we desire that every participant in our ministry Belong to Christ, Grow in Christ and Reach the world for Christ.

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At Woodside, we’re here to serve our church family during the hardest seasons of life. We offer pastor visitations for those in need and funeral services for members of our church who are grieving a loss. We’re here to walk with you in support and prayer as you navigate the care of your loved ones, and as we look together in hope toward the ultimate glory of God.

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