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Easter at Lake Orion

let us know you're coming for easter

This doesn’t guarantee a spot, but will let everyone know how full each service is so we can plan accordingly.

current "capacity"

1:00 Service Capacity


2:30 Service Capacity


4:00 Service Capacity


Kid's Resource!

Looking for an Easter activity for the whole family? We’ve got you covered.


In preparation for Holy Week, beginning March 24, our Woodside Kids team has created a family devotional to guide you and your family as you prepare your hearts for Easter Sunday. This devotional was made with the intention of creating space for meaningful conversations and memorable moments as your family learns and grows together.

view resource!


What to expect?

Each of our services follows a similar format. There will be a time of worship [singing] and teaching.

Is there something for kids?

Woodside Kids is available at all our campuses for ages birth-fifth grade.

What do I wear?

Woodside is very causal! But feel free to rock your easter best! We love to see a good Easter hat.

How long are services?

Most services last about an hour. There are times when we may go over by just a few minutes, but you generally can expect a one-hour service.

What resources or content do you have about Easter?

We have tons of different resources available for you here at Woodside! Here are a couple of our favourites about the Easter season.

How Do I Know I’m Saved? | An Everyday Theology Blog

3 Hopes Christ’s Resurrection Gives Us | An Everyday Theology Blog 

Is Belief Enough for Salvation?

Is the Holy Spirit Real?