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Lake Orion

Campus Pastor

Jim Dahlke

current series

Signs of the King

Have you ever been on a journey and missed an important sign? Whether it’s a turn you didn’t take, a message you overlooked, or a clue to who a person may be, missing a sign can leave you lost or confused. In the first half of John’s Gospel, seven powerful signs reveal who Jesus truly […]

built for community

We’re a welcoming church made up of people of all ages, stages, and stories. Everyone is welcome here as we experience God’s great love and share the reason for our hope with our community!

Whether to grow in your relationship with God, find belonging in our community, or step out to serve your neighbors, you have a place here and we’ll find it together.

See how you can get involved through our Groups, serve opportunities, and more.

woodside kids

At Woodside, we make every Sunday an adventure for your kids! Each week, your kids learn something new, have fun, and come home with a better understanding of God. Woodside Kids is available to children from birth to 5th grade.

Kids Content

child safety

To volunteer with Woodside Kids, each interested person must complete our Child Protection Program designed to keep your kids safe.

child wellness policy

Your child’s health and safety is our priority. We maintain a wellness policy and robust cleaning procedures to help keep your family healthy!

campus security

The security measures at our Lake Orion campus are designed with your kids in mind, including controlled access to our Woodside Kids environments.

woodside students

We believe God-centered living, healthy relationships, and self-worth are the building blocks to becoming an agent for positive change in this world. At Woodside, we value your students and are committed to providing Biblical teaching, mentorship, and community to help shape them into the men and women God has them to be.


Our middle school ministry, Oasis, comes complete with fun events, community service projects, Christ-centered mentorship, and friendships that last a lifetime!


Wake is a ministry for high school students to engage in small groups, events, and opportunities to serve others, where they’ll connect with God, with friends, and with mentors.


God created us to live in community with one another. At Woodside, we find belonging in Life Groups, where we grow together as a spiritual family. Discover your Life Group today.


Want to know more about our church in Lake Orion? Sign up for NextSteps to learn about Woodside and how to get involved.

upcoming events

serve opportunities

contact us

Campus Pastor

Jim Dahlke

Welcome to the Woodside Bible Church Lake Orion Campus! We were launched in 2009 and have been on an incredible journey of trusting God for His provision. We’ve seen Him lead us into new opportunities to serve Him and make Him known in our community. In 2015 we moved into our new home in the 85,000 sq. ft. formerly “Always Christmas” store at Canterbury Village. We hope you enjoy learning more about our Lake Orion church and would love to meet you. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your visit to our web page!

Service Times


9:30am & 11:00am

