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Campus Pastor

Jeremy Writebol

current series

Signs of the King

Have you ever been on a journey and missed an important sign? Whether it’s a turn you didn’t take, a message you overlooked, or a clue to who a person may be, missing a sign can leave you lost or confused. In the first half of John’s Gospel, seven powerful signs reveal who Jesus truly […]

built for community

Do you know the beauty in feeling like you belong? At our church in Plymouth, Michigan we welcome people of every background, life stage, age, or any other part of being human.

Whether your goal is to foster a deeper relationship with God, be a bigger part of the Plymouth community, or meet new people to do life with, we’d love to walk with you on that journey.

Check out our Groups, serve opportunities, and other ways to get involved today.

woodside kids

At Woodside, your kids are an important part of our church family. We have a blast each Sunday as we sing together and learn something new. Every week, your child will go home having been loved on and learned more about Jesus – and with tools to guide you in talking about God at home. Woodside Kids is available from birth to 5th grade.

Kids Content

child safety

Volunteers for our Woodside Kids program are required to complete our Child Protection Program before becoming involved.

child wellness policy

As part of our wellness policy, we maintain clean environments for your children to learn and play.

campus security

One of the key elements of our security measures is to control access to our Woodside Kids environments, ensuring your kids are safe while you worship God with us.

woodside students

We are passionate about helping the next generation become the world-changers they’re meant to be. Our ministries for middle and high school students focus on teaching how to live a God-centered life through a personal relationship with Christ. We believe caring for themselves and others as Christ calls us to will help them grow into men and women with a heart to know Jesus and love people.


Oasis is our middle school ministry complete with Gospel teaching, tons of fun events, life-changing service projects, and lasting relationships with friends and mentors!


As students navigate high school, our Wake ministry helps them connect with God, friends, and mentors through events and small group activities.


Part of our lifeblood at Woodside Bible Church in Plymouth is finding authentic community with others. A key way we do this is through Life Groups, where we experience the beauty of church family.


Want to know more about our church in Plymouth? Sign up for NextSteps to learn about Woodside and how to get involved.

upcoming events

serve opportunities

contact us

Campus Pastor

Jeremy Writebol

Welcome to the Woodside Bible Church Plymouth Campus, which joined the Woodside Family in January 2015! We have the privilege of serving with an incredible group of people who want to make a difference in our community and across the world for Jesus Christ. We do our best to make everyone at our church in Plymouth feel they are part of the Woodside Family. I hope you enjoy your visit and we look forward to walking alongside you wherever you may be on your faith journey. It would be great to meet you and to answer any questions you may have – please be sure to introduce yourself!

Service Times


9:00AM, 11:00AM

