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Campus Pastor

Dan Stewart

current series

Signs of the King

Have you ever been on a journey and missed an important sign? Whether it’s a turn you didn’t take, a message you overlooked, or a clue to who a person may be, missing a sign can leave you lost or confused. In the first half of John’s Gospel, seven powerful signs reveal who Jesus truly […]

built for community

Have you been searching for a place where you truly belong? Our Romeo church is open to people of all ages, stages, ethnicities, and stories. Everyone is welcome here as we experience God’s great love and shine that love in our community.

Together, we’ll study God’s Word, worship Him, discover authentic relationships with others, and work together to serve our community.

Check out our Groups, serve opportunities, and other ways that you can get involved with us today.

woodside kids

At Woodside, we love your kids! Sundays are a blast for your kids (and for us!) as we sing together and learn something new. Each week your child will receive love and attention, enjoy a yummy snack, and learn important new lessons from the Bible. Woodside Kids is available from birth to 5th grade.

Kids Content

child safety

Our Child Protection Program is required for all volunteers at Woodside Kids as a safety measure for our families at Woodside.

child wellness policy

Through frequent cleaning and other important health and safety policies, we work hard to keep your family healthy.

campus security

Every Sunday at our Romeo campus, we keep your kids safe through security measures such as controlled access to our Woodside Kids environments.

woodside students

We believe God has big things in store for your students and our high school and middle school ministries are designed to challenge and encourage them along the way. By learning how to live God-centered lives, have healthy relationships, and value themselves and others, your middle and high school students will become the world-changers they were destined to be.


Our middle school ministry, Oasis, helps young people build relationships with friends and mentors while experiencing Gospel teaching, exciting events, and service opportunities throughout our community.


Wake is a ministry for high school students to engage in small groups, events, and opportunities to serve others, where they’ll connect with God, with friends, and with mentors.


God created us for community, to know and be known by others. Explore our many Groups to find the right fit for you today.


Want to know more about our Romeo church? Sign up for NextSteps to learn about Woodside and how to get involved.

upcoming events

serve opportunities

contact us

Campus Pastor

Dan Stewart

Welcome to Woodside Bible Church in Romeo! From the parking lot to the pulpit, we believe in putting feet to our faith. We want you to know our doors are open to people from all backgrounds, regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey. We are a church that is passionate about creating life-changing experiences with God and walking alongside people as they grow and mature in Christ. We can’t wait for you to be a part of the Woodside Family!

Service Times


8:30 am, 10 am, & 11:30 am

