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White Lake

Campus Pastor

Rob Bentz

current series

Signs of the King

Have you ever been on a journey and missed an important sign? Whether it’s a turn you didn’t take, a message you overlooked, or a clue to who a person may be, missing a sign can leave you lost or confused. In the first half of John’s Gospel, seven powerful signs reveal who Jesus truly […]

built for community

Looking for a place where you belong? At Woodside Bible Church in White Lake, we are a people of all ages, stages, and ethnicities. Everyone is welcome here as we experience God’s great love that shines through to our community!

We would love to join you in your faith journey as, together, we grow in relationship with God, find belonging with others, and step out to meet the needs of our neighbors.

Learn more about our Groups, serve opportunities, and other ways to get involved with Woodside.

woodside kids

At Woodside, we love your kids! Woodside Kids is available to children from birth through the 5th grade. When they join us on Sunday they’ll get loved on, learn more about Jesus and enjoy a delicious snack. They’ll come back to you with tools to guide you in talking about God at home.

Kids Content

child safety

All volunteers in Woodside Kids have completed our Child Protection Program designed to ensure your child’s safety.

child wellness policy

Your child’s health and safety is our priority. As such, our wellness policy and rigorous cleaning program are in place to make sure your family stays safe and healthy.

campus security

Every Sunday you’ll see campus security measures designed with your kids in mind, including controlled access to our Woodside Kids environments.

woodside students

We believe God is raising up the next generation to change the world. Our student ministry is designed for middle schoolers and high schoolers and helps them grow into men and women who live God-centered lives.


Our middle school ministry, Oasis, brings the Gospel to young people in a fun and engaging way. Students will take part in exciting events, life-changing service projects, and lasting relationships with friends and mentors!


Wake is a ministry for high school students to engage in small groups, take part in fun activities and fulfilling events serving members of the community. Along the way they’ll connect with God, with friends, and with mentors.


God designed us to live in community with others, where we’re known for who we really are. We hope you’ll join a Group at Woodside, where you’ll find authentic relationships with your church family.


Want to know more about White Lake church? Sign up for NextSteps to learn about Woodside and how to get involved.

upcoming events

serve opportunities

contact us

Campus Pastor

Rob Bentz

Welcome to Woodside Bible Church in White Lake! Our campus is a community of broken yet redeemed Christ-followers who gather together to worship and experience the Living God. Our desire is that everyone who joins us would enjoy a warm welcome, experience worship in a contemporary style that also reflects tradition, and grow to become part of our community of faith. We look forward to walking alongside you wherever you may be on your faith journey.

Service Times


SUN 9:30am, 11:00am

