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Why Are Christians Leaving the Faith?
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Episode 42

Why Are Christians Leaving the Faith?

On tonight’s episode of The Link, we explore the answers to the question, “Why are so many Christians leaving the faith?” and how we should respond when that happens. Recently, there have been so many stories of pastors, friends, or even family members who were once shining lights of the faith, who now would deny that God even exists. What do we do when this touches us personally whether with someone we love or a member of our church family? Answering these questions and more alongside Pastor Chris Brooks will be Pastor Dave Carlson, Brandon Cleaver, and Dan Trepod. You won’t want to miss this conversation!

Confronting Christianity by Rebecca McLaughlin –
Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer –
Dealing with Doubt by Gary Habermas –
Why People Stop Believing by Paul Chamberlain –

For Parents to read with their Kids:
The Jesus Story Book Bible –

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