A Renewed Hope | A Global Partner Update

Written By: Woodside Missions Team


June 13, 2024

A petite Indian woman draped in a bright pink sari wiped away tears from her eyes. Embarrassed, she shared her struggle: “It’s so lonely. It’s just so very lonely for my husband to lead so many churches. I do my best to support him, but I am only one person. The challenges are so vast, and we are tired!”

Lakshmi is the wife of a Saora pastor who travels throughout the week to shepherd 42 churches. Her tears are looked upon with great sympathy by all of the pastors’ wives in the conference room who can relate.

Over the past few decades, there has been a great harvest among the Saora people in India. While it is exciting to see so many enter the family of God, the challenge of discipleship weighs heavily on the small number of pastors and their families. For the past couple of years, our Woodside Global Partner “Andrew” has stepped in to provide ongoing biblical training and encouragement for the Saora leaders, making a significant difference in their lives and work.

In April of this year, Woodside sent a short-term team that partnered with Andrew to offer unique training to both men and women for the first time! These dedicated couples even built-in time for much-needed rest and fellowship with one another.

“I was reminded that our God is the God who sees! Just as Jesus saw the bleeding woman (Mark 5:24-34), He sees me in my distress.” declares Lakshmi.

Remember the Saora leadership, which faithfully shepherds the church in India. Pray also for our Global Partner, Andrew, who continues to shepherd the shepherds.

“Those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.”
Isaiah 40:31

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